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Estimated Salary
Estimated Salary $67,500 - $124,500 /yr
Estimated salary range for jobs in this role
6-month job volume
6-month job volume 260
Job openings advertised on Careermine in the past 6 months
Job openings trend
Job openings trend Growing
Growth trend for job openings on Careermine
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Career path

Real world examples of career paths taken by those in the Superintendent role

Data recently sourced from Superintendent CVs

    1. Superintendent
    2. Owner

      7 years

    3. Manager

      3 years

    1. Superintendent
    2. Principal Advisor
    1. Superintendent
    2. Deputy General Director
    3. Mining Manager


Estimated salary for Superintendent jobs based on location
Average annual salary $93,000 /yr
Average salary of job openings for this role
Estimated salary $67,500 - $124,500 /yr
Estimated salary range for jobs in this role

Skills and Expertise

Skill and expertise held by people in the Superintendent role
  • Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses
  • Investigation of Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses
  • Budgets & Budgeting
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Audit
  • Coal Mining
  • Reconciliations
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Health and Safety
  • Troubleshooting


Education held by people in the Superintendent role

Most common education level


Education Subjects Studied

  • Engineering
  • Geology


Qualifications held by people in the Superintendent role
  • Driving Licence

Recruitment trends

Recruitment data for Superintendent jobs on Careermine

New job openings over time

Job openings trend Growing
Growth trend for job openings on Careermine

Superintendent jobs

  • Maintenance Superintendent

    • Wallace, Idaho
    • DOE
    • U.S. Silver-Idaho, Inc.
    26 days to apply
  • Mine Technical Services Superintendent Hollinger

    • Canada
    • Competitive
    • Newmont
    2 days to apply
  • Mine Planning Superintendent

    • Northern Goldfields, Australia
    • Competitive
    • Northern Star Resources LTD
    2 days to apply