Mining Engineer
- Estimated Salary
Estimated salary range for jobs in this role
- 6-month job volume
Job openings advertised on Careermine in the past 6 months
- Job openings trend
Growth trend for job openings on Careermine
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Career path
Real world examples of career paths taken by those in the Mining Engineer role
Data recently sourced from Mining Engineer CVs
Graduate Mining Engineer
a year
Mining Engineer
Senior Mining Engineer
4 months
Mining Engineer
Operations Supervisor
7 months
Mining Engineer
Mine Manager
Estimated salary for Mining Engineer jobs based on location
United States
Average salary of job openings for this role
Estimated salary range for jobs in this role
Skills and Expertise
Skill and expertise held by people in the Mining Engineer role
Quality Control
Feasibility Studies
Surface Mining
Open-Cast Mining
Underground Mining
Budgets & Budgeting
Production Planning
Microsoft Excel
Education held by people in the Mining Engineer role
- Most common education level
- Education Subjects Studied
Mining Engineering
Qualifications held by people in the Mining Engineer role
Driving Licence
Professional Engineer
Recruitment trends
Recruitment data for Mining Engineer jobs on Careermine
New job openings over time
Growth trend for job openings on Careermine