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Corporate Responsibility
Since our founding, Westmoreland Mining, LLC has been committed to ethical and safe conduct in the pursuit of our business.
Throughout the many changes in Westmoreland’s business over the last 20 years, our core values of integrity, safety, and ethical conduct remain consistent and are the foundation of our business.
Westmoreland Mining, LLC, and its subsidiaries conduct its business in an ethical, socially responsible, and safe manner and in strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Our Code of Conduct and Ethics sets forth legal and ethical standards, which promote the conduct of our business in accordance with the highest standards of integrity. It applies to all directors, officers, and employees of Westmoreland Mining, LLC, and its subsidiaries. We all must follow the law, act with integrity and honesty in all matters, and be accountable for our actions.
Uncompromised safety is a core value of Westmoreland Mining, LLC. We use a grassroots approach, encouraging and promoting employee involvement with input from all employees; we feel employee involvement is a pillar of our safety excellence. We stress that all employees are responsible for safety, their personal safety as well as the safety of one’s co-worker. We have in place comprehensive safety programs and systems, extensive safety and skills training, regular safety audits and inspections, mine rescue training, and supervisory leadership training. Recording, reporting, and investigation protocols are in place for all accidents, incidents, losses, and near misses to avoid reoccurrence and eliminate potential hazards. We couple all these measures with total vigilance in following regulatory standards, which is the backbone of our strong safety culture enjoyed by our employees, contractors, vendors, and all visiting our operations.
Westmoreland is committed to operating in a manner that meets or exceeds current environmental law. This involves the proper planning, permitting, and monitoring of mining activities to assure compliance with applicable standards. The reclamation of mined lands is also an important objective of each mining complex.
Reclamation is an integral part of Westmoreland Mining, LLC ’s mining operations. Reclamation activities consist of filling the voids created during coal removal, replacing sub-soils and top-soils and then re-establishing the vegetative cover. At the conclusion of reclamation activities, the area disturbed by mining will look similar to what it did before mining began. The mines are required to keep reclamation contemporaneous with mining. Typically this results in approximately the same number of acres reclaimed annually as are disturbed. The primary pre-mining land uses of Westmoreland’s mines are agricultural.
The Company also addresses the impacts the mining operations have on wildlife habitat and on sites with cultural significance. At the Jewett Mine, the mining plan preserves the nesting area on the Interior Least Tern, a bird threatened in the region. The Rosebud Mine has altered its mining plan to preserve Native American petroglyphs on rock formations. Similar culturally significant sites have been excavated by trained archeologists. Historic buildings on mine property have been moved to preserve them.